A newly discovered Masterpiece by the Master of Mary of Guelders – Paris or Utrecht, 1400-1410
SOLD: 600 Years ago: The Hours of Jean Troussier, Breton Nobleman, with 20 large Miniatures by two of the foremost Painters of the Time, datable 1424-25
Wauquelin’s Chroniques de Hainaut, c. 1470: a large folio Manuscript with 17 stunning Miniatures, the only one in private Hands
An early Parisian Book of Hours from the immediate Circle of the Boucicaut Master: complete and in near-mint condition
A Most Sensational Manuscript from the Inner Circle of Giotto, Padua, c. 1305ff.: Unknown to the Market
The Corlieu-Lusignan Hours of c. 1412: a remarkable work by the Boucicaut Master, one of the most Influential Artists of the early 15th Century
SOLD: One of the Earliest known Manuscripts by the Master of the Mazarine Hours: A Masterpiece of Outstanding Quality and Preservation
The Balliol Book of Hours by the Master of Jacques II de Châtillon: an Unknown Manuscript from Amiens with 13 Stunning Miniatures
The Story of Joseph in 22 Spectacular Imperial Folio Paintings on Parchment by Jean Joubert after Drawings by Sylvain Bonnet
The Second Book of Hours of Anne de Montmorency, Constable of France: A Masterpiece by the Master of François de Rohan dated 1539 with 35 Miniatures in Immaculate Condition
Dürer’s „Kupferstich-Passion“ in Breathtaking Illumination by Hieronymus Oertl: a German Manuscript on Vellum, signed and dated 1587
A Miracle: Book of Hours in the Shape of the French Royal Lily. From the Collections of King Henri II(?), Emperor Napoleon, E. de Beauharnais and Viscount Combermere
A Miniature Book of Hours of Exceptional Artistic Quality by the Jouvenel Master for the Use of Nantes, with Four Miniatures by the Master of Enea Silvio Piccolomini
One of the Largest Known Books of Hours: Made for Claude de Toulongeon, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in Absolutely Immaculate Condition
An Astounding Book of Hours of Carmelite Use by the Master of the Dresden Prayer Book, Unknown to Scholarship
A Unique Prayer Book Manuscript on Parchment by Hieronymus Oertl with 16 Illuminated Copperplate Engravings after Marten de Vos
A Marvellous Book of Hours with Many Black Borders: one of the Most Stunning Works by the Master of Charles VIII.
SOLD: One of the Smallest Known Koran Manuscripts in Octagonal Miniature Format, Dated 1564
An Armorial of the Order of the Golden Fleece from 1531, SOLD: illuminated on Parchment in imperial Splendour, possibly for Emperor Charles V himself?
The Festive Missal of Cardinal de' Rossi, Bishop of Pavia, richly illuminated and with a signed miniature by Guarnerio Berretta