The Story of Joseph in 22 Spectacular Imperial Folio Paintings on Parchment by Jean Joubert after Drawings by Sylvain Bonnet

Joseph in Egypt. Illuminated French manuscript on vellum: 22 framed imperial folio leaves (455 x 350 mm) under passe-partout, each with a large painting from the Joseph story in the Genesis by Jean Joubert (1643 – 1707) after drawings by Sylvain Bonnet (1645 – 1705). Paris or Versailles c. 1686ff. Most likely painted for Princess Anna of Bavaria (Anne de Bavière), daughter-in-law of the great Condé.
This is an astounding work from the last great heyday of book illumination, with gold lettering of high quality: possibly created at the court of Louis XIV with ulterior political motives and no Christian emphasis, the pictures from the story of Joseph in Egypt can stand alongside the great historical paintings after Nicolas Poussin. As such, they testify to the decisiveness with which their creator Jean Joubert sought to, and did, overcome the predominantly decorative elements of his predecessor Nicolas Robert. Obviously, this cycle of illuminations by the Royal illuminator at the court of Louis XIV. is based on drawings by the famous painter and draughtsman Sylvain Bonnet– see the drawing of the Generosity of Joseph in the Bruges Print Room (European old master drawings from the Bruges Print Room, 2019, p. 155ff. with mention and colour reproduction of our manuscript): “The drawing in Bruges can be connected with an exceptional illuminated manuscript that relates the biblical history of Joseph in twenty-two episodes.” Each leaf bears the ink paraph (signature sign) of the Château d’Anet, where the library and the art collections of Princess Anne of Bavaria were sold in 1724.
For more information, please see our monograph catalogue No. 53 Joseph in Ägypten.
Provenance: Most likely made for Princess Anne of Bavaria, dautghter-in-law of Louis II. de Bourbon, also known as "Le Grand Condé" (the Great Condé) for his military exploits, who was a French general and the most illustrious member of the Condé branch of the House of Bourbon. He was one of Louis XIV's pre-eminent generals.
Portrait of Anne de Bavière, princesse de Condé. Anonymous, attributed to Pierre Gobert, 17th century. Palace of Versailles.
The Generosity of Joseph in the Bruges Print Room, drawing by Sylvain Bonnet (photograph by Dominique Provost):
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