The Earliest Grandes Heures Royales by Anthoine Vérard: A Splendid Copy with Wide Margins in a Contemporary Binding

Horae Zeta in our Catalogue 75: Horae B. M. V. for the Use of Rome. Paris, for Anthoine Vérard, around 1488-89.

This is a truly stunning copy, especially in the old, undoubtedly Flemish binding, which does honour to the name "Grandes Heures Royales" with its wide-margined size. The fact that it is complete - especially as two of the other remaining copies of this edition are incomplete - can be considered a particular stroke of luck. Probably the earliest edition of the Grandes Heures Royales.

This book is part of the largest collection of printed Books of Hours in the world, which is offered for sale en bloc.

The collection has been extensively documented in Catalogues No. 50 & 75 (nine volumes), available in our online shop.


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